Camille Grasso
Neuropsychologist & PhD in cognitive neuroscience
I am a qualified neuropsychologist and a cognitive neuroscientist trying to understand how humans make sense of time. During my PhD, I worked on the representation and processing of abstract temporal concepts such as past and future. Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher supervised by Virginie van Wassenhove at Neurospin, Paris-Saclay, as part of the Cognition & Brain Dynamics team and the EXPERIENCE Project. During my postdoc, I am heading towards using a combination of behavioural, neurophysiological (EEG, MEG, virtual reality), and computational methods to examine how humans understand, feel, and estimate time. I am a passionate researcher doing my best, who loves talking about science and who is always in quest of learning and understanding new things, so please do not hesitate to contact me!
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